Special Offer - June 1996 SOFTWARE DREAMS AND TALKING MACHINES Text By ETI Report Edited By SuperAdaptoid ETI Eloquence is a high quality, unlimited vocabulary, text-to-speech synthesis application for Windows and a variety of popular UNIX platforms. ETI Eloquence is noted for exceptionally natural sounding intonation, intelligibility scores higher than other popular TTS engines, and a flexible annotation scheme that allows users to express a whole range of emotions including boredom, anger, and excitement. Eloquent Technology (ETI) has been specializing in text-to-speech software since 1983. Our products can be customized to meet your particular requirements. ETI ELOQUENT TECHNOLOGY: Home Page: ETI Eloquence Description: ETI Eloquence Underlying Technology: ETI Eloquence More Information: Tools and Technology. Including a technical description of unlimited vocabilary in text -to- speech processing. Demonstration Instructions: We highly recommend that you download the ETI sample wave files, and request our full ETI Eloquence text -to- speech demo to evaluate speech quality.
Sample Waves, Demo Offer: To Request A Demo Disk please contact: Ed Schulman, Director of Marketing Eloquent Technology, Inc., 2389 North Triphammer Rd, Ithaca, NY 14850 Phone: 607/266-7025 Fax: 607/266-7030 E-mail SPECIAL DEMONSTRATION OFFER Correspondence From ETI Eloquent Technology: Ed Schulman Director of Marketing ETI Eloquent Technology, Inc. (607) 257-1537 or (607) 266-7025 At this point in time ETI does not usually sell our products directly to end users. However, in order to test the end user market, I can make you the following offer: For your information, I have included below, the standard letter describing Eloquence. Within the letter, an ETI Eloquence Demo disk is mentioned. Although this demo is usually only available to large volume OEM distributors, we would be happy to send you a copy. If within 30 days, you decide that this demo meets your needs, send us $50. If not, just return the demo to us.
Define eloquence. Eloquence synonyms, eloquence pronunciation, eloquence translation, English dictionary definition of eloquence. Fluent and persuasive discourse: She. In the English dictionary, little is the opposite of much. In reality, little means so much. Just a little salt is enough to make the food taste good. You don't need so much. Just a little yeast makes the flour rise. It doesn’t have to be as much as the flour. The little things often taken as. Remove definition is - to change the location, position, station, or residence of. How to use remove in a sentence. To change the location, position, station, or residence of; to transfer (a legal proceeding) from one court to another See the full definition.
In either case PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS. If you would like a copy of the Demo let me know whether you are running under Win 3.1 or Win95 (16 or 32 bit versions).
I will also need your US Mail address. Ed Schulman Ed Schulman Director of Marketing ETI Eloquent Technology, Inc. (607) 257-1537 or (607) 266-7025 Our text-to-speech product, Eloquence, speaks ordinary English text with clear, highly-intelligible synthetic voices. It parses the text into sentences, phrases and words, then recites the utterance with natural intonation and stress patterns. Output comes through any Windows compatible sound board. Eloquence offers eight standard voices and allows users to define new ones. Included in the standard set are two young adult males, two young adult females, a child, an older male with a deep, raspy voice, and an old male and female.
Users can change the gender, head size, pitch baseline, roughness, breathiness, speed, and volume in order to modify a standard voice or to create a new one. Although Eloquence produces natural sounding intonation automatically, the user can override these patterns by changing word emphasis, word tones, and pauses. Users can also control the sense of finality at the end of a sentence. Dynamic dictionaries allow users to define custom pronunciations. Eloquence produces speech entirely with a set of linguistically-oriented rules rather than with the more common cancatenative approach involving prestored units These rules, based on over twenty years of research in speech synthesis, give Eloquence its' exceptional speech quality and intelligibility. As a result of a set of sophisticated tools and linguistic models underlying Eloquence, the system is unusually customizable and extensible.
Eloquence runs as a 32 bit application under Windows 95, Windows NT, and Windows 3.1 (with Win32s extensions.) A 16 bit version is also available. Beta versions for UNIX platforms (Sun, SGI, and RS-6000) are also available. Eloquence is shipped with a Software Development Kit (SDK) for integrating the software into OEM applications. The SDK contains on-line documentation and three interfaces: one for C/C integration, one supporting DDE connections, and one for a Visual Basic interface. The SDK for Windows based PCs sells for $995.
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The SDK for UNIX platforms sells for $1495. Both versions include one copy of Eloquence and come with a 30-day money back guarantee. OEM pricing for Eloquence is available upon request. An Eloquence demo disk is available free of charge for qualified OEM distributors.
The demo runs on a PC (486/33 or faster) under Windows 3.1, 95, or NT equipped with a sound board. (Request either the 16 or 32 bit version and include your mailing address). Feed the demo any stored or typed text.TXT and chose any of the standard voices. Modify any of the voices with the complete set of user parameters; make 'Bobby' sound excited and give a cold to poor 'Grandma'.
If you are interested in Eloquence, or have any further questions, just give me a call or send an e-mail note. Let me know your intended application and hardware platform. Ed Schulman Director of Marketing ETI Eloquent Technology, Inc. (607) 257-1537 or (607) 266-7025 COMMENTS: This program is RECOMMENDED. Having downloaded and experienced this program as a person with low -to- no vision. The text -to speech engine demo reads.TXT files.
The Demo Disk is Free for 30 days trial period. Disabled users can request the 30 day and $50.00 fee be Waved. SUGGESTION: When testing ANY demonstration software in MS Windows.
E T I Financial Corp
It is suggested that: 1. Use an 'Independent' Uninstall program/utility. Even when uninstall is included in the test application. Backup copies of win.ini, system.ini, progman.ini to be held off-disk and 'on floppy'.
A zipped copy of the demonstration software should be held off-disk for backup.
From ETI-Eloquence Text To Speech (TTS) is an Android ported version of the popular Eloquence Text-To-Speech synthesizer. ETI-Eloquence is a TTS engine that you can use in a wide range of applications such as: Screen readers and applications for blind people (like Talkback or Mobile Accessibility) - GPS software (like Google Maps) - E-book readers (like Play Books) - Translators (like Google Translate) - And many more.